How to Stay Motivated

Yellow sticky note with words

Not sure how you can stay motivated during these challenging times? These tips are ones we’ve tried personally over the weeks since this pandemic began. Some days one works best; other days, a different one does, but they have all helped. Find the ones that work well for you. We need to stay motivated to … Read more

Motivation Tips

It’s been an unprecedented and challenging few months. Motivation – staying energized and focused on work and work tasks – has become more difficult as personal and health issues fill our minds. Try these motivation tips. They’ll help you feel re-energized and ready to focus on work that has to be done. Recall Your Why … Read more

How to Motivate Customers to Buy

Checklist with 5 blank lines

Motivate customers to buy and crush your sales with 5 simple actions. The first step is to understand your customers’ needs and demands. When you do, you’ll crush your sales targets because you have the code for what motivates each customer differently. What’s next? Your customers will become even more motivated to buy when you … Read more

Crush Customer Demands

I want it now, not later, checked on list in notebook.

Customer needs matter, but our customers also have demands they want us to satisfy. And customers’ demands are increasing with the huge volume of information and competitive data available to them. In the age of the buyer, our customers want to feel we’ve heard their demands and will respond to them. And … How well … Read more

3 Simple Steps that Nail Sales


Get to know these 3 simple steps that nail sales every time …Know, Engage, Sell.

Sure, products and product solutions are important, but we need to connect them with stronger customer knowledge. That will get our customers to buy … and give ourselves a winning formula for sales results. Read more

7 Questions to Build Customer Trust

Flipchart with 3 options to check: yes, no, maybe

Ask 7 questions to build customer trust. What do your customers say about you? Do they say … Always looks out for me? Works hard to earn my business? Makes me feel like I made a smart decision? Listens carefully? Makes helpful suggestions? Builds my trust? Makes it easy to do business? So how many … Read more

5 Lessons Learned from Golf

Golfer celebrating win

The other day, I happened to catch media coverage of a PGA tournament. The more I watched, the more I realized winners in sales are a lot like winners in golf … they both win by practicing 5 lessons they’ve learned. Lesson 1 – Prepare Golf winners spend years practicing and preparing for their events. … Read more

Rock your Sales with 5 Questions

Salesperson interacting with people.

Rock your sales with 5 questions.
1. How Can I Personalize My Sales Process?
Seeing customers as people first personalizes your sales process. Focus on building a connection with your customers while you’re collecting customer data. It’s the key to closing more deals.
2. How Can I Engage My Customers? … Read more

How to Control Data and Social and Close More Deals

Confused looking salesperson

You want to control your data and social and close more deals. But how do you do it? Salespeople are frustrated and stressed because, even with all the sales tools available to them, they still aren’t closing deals. They want to know why. They want a solution. Data, Social and Closing Deals It’s no secret … Read more

How to Make Selling Simple

Rocket ship blasting off.

Selling ain’t rocket science. Selling is simple, real simple. It’s surprising how complex we’ve made selling. We’ve forgotten what selling really is, overwhelming it with technology … even if some technology is convenient and useful. The danger with too much technology is that we can get confused and frustrated. We become data miners, process managers … Read more